Color Palette with 4 Colors

Explore this beautiful color palette featuring 4 colors: mediumaquamarine (#52ea9d), paleturquoise (#c0f2e5), lightblue (#9ce2e2), lavender (#d2eff9). Get hex codes, color information and create stunning designs.

CSS Variables

:root {
  --mediumaquamarine: #52ea9d;
  --paleturquoise: #c0f2e5;
  --lightblue: #9ce2e2;
  --lavender: #d2eff9;

Tailwind Config

colors: {
  mediumaquamarine: '#52ea9d',
  paleturquoise: '#c0f2e5',
  lightblue: '#9ce2e2',
  lavender: '#d2eff9',

Individual Colors









About This Color Palette

This carefully curated color palette consists of 4 complementary colors that work harmoniously together. Each color has been selected to create a balanced and visually appealing combination that can be used in various design projects, from web design to branding and graphic design.

Click on any color to copy its hex code to your clipboard. You can also get detailed information about each color by clicking on the hex codes below the color swatches.