#674a50 hex color
#674a50 RGB Percentages
#674a50 CMYK Percentages
Color #674a50 Variations
Lighter variations mixed with white
Darker variations mixed with black
Color #674a50 Harmonies
Analogous Colors
Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel
Contrast Checks for #674a50
On White Background
WCAG AA Pass (7.85)Large Text Example
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Regular Text Example
This is an example of regular-sized text that would commonly appear in paragraphs and body content.
On Black Background
WCAG AA Fail (2.67)Large Text Example
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Regular Text Example
This is an example of regular-sized text that would commonly appear in paragraphs and body content.
CSS Styles for #674a50
Tailwind CSS Classes for #674a50
More Tailwind CSS Codes for #674a50Nearest Tailwind Color for #674a50
Here's the nearest color to #674a50 in Tailwind's full color palette.
Tailwind color name:
Hex color code:
Tailwind's stone-600 (#57534e)
Your color #674a50
CSS Code Examples for #674a50
Basic CSS Classes for #674a50
Background Color
Background Color Example
Text Color
This text shows the color #674a50
Border Color
CSS3 Effects for #674a50
Text Shadow (RGB)
Text with RGB Shadow
Text Shadow (Hex)
Text with Hex Shadow
Box Shadow
HTML Examples for #674a50
Inline Styles
This is a sample text showing how this color looks when used as a text color.
Combined Effects
Combined Styles Example